Planning poker made easy

Streamline your Scrum estimation process with our user-friendly Planning Poker tool.
Boost team collaboration, simplify planning, and make your meetings more productive!

Create first session

Standout benefits of Estim8

Import issues from Gitlab

Easily integrate and import tasks for planning session from GitLab.
Say goodbye to tedious copy-pasting and manually rewriting titles and links!

Import/Export with Gitlab and Jira

Share notes and arrangements for complete transparency

Keep everyone on the same page with shared notes for each story, ensuring transparency and collaboration.

Don't let important details slip away!

Note down estimates in advance

Participants can capture their estimates in advance, streamlining the planning process and saving time.


  • participants: 5
  • CSV export
  • Import from Gitlab
  • Shared notes for each story
  • Player estimates noted in advance
No credit card required
  • participants: unlimited
  • CSV export
  • Import/export with Gitlab and Jira
  • Shared notes for each story
  • Player questions and estimates noted in advance
Per team, monthly

Create your first planning session

Share it to your team and start estimating

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